Optical Windows, Substrates, Mirror blanks for Infrared (IR) wavelengths
Infrared (IR) optical windows and blanks from various infrared materials. Custom shapes and AR coatings available.
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- Description
- Applications
- Materials
Infrared (IR) Optical Windows: Description, production,
What is Infrared Optical Window?
Infrared (IR) optical windows are transparent, flat, parallel plates, designed to effectively perform in infrared (IR) light. They can be used as protective windows, substrates or mirror blanks in infrared (IR) applications and various other devices.
How Infrared (IR) Optical Windows (substrates) are made?
Infrared optical window production is quite similar UV-VIS-NIR widows and begins with the design of it. Once designed, the drawing of optical component with desired characteristics is drawn. Infrared optical material is sliced, grinded, polished and inspected before stocking or sending these IR windows to customers. Sometimes these windows are coated with infrared anti-reflective (AR) coating. The key difference from Alien Photonics wedged windows is that infrared windows’ both surfaces are parallel to each other.
Infrared (IR) Optical Windows for nicht vision and thermal vision devices, LIDARS, OCT, spectrometry and other applications
Infrared (IR) Windows for night vision devices
Alien Photonics Infrared (IR) windows enhance the clarity of image by transmitting infrared light from observed objects and scenes. This enables high-definition even under low-light conditions in night vision hunting or military (e.g. recon) equipment.
LIDAR Infrared Windows for remote sensing.
Anti-reflection coated Infrared (IR) windows allows low loss transmission of laser pulses in LIDAR devices, allowing precises environmental mapping and topographical analysis.
Infrared (IR) Windows for Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) instruments
Infrared windows permit transmission of IR light into biological samples. This allows OTC devices to capture high resolution cross-sectional pictures (images) for medical diagnostics (e.g. achieving non-invasive visualization of eye or skin)
Infrared (IR) Windows for quality control and assurance
Infrared spectrophotometers with infrared (IR) windows can assess the composition of cosmetic products, ensuring safety of makeup and personal care items by detecting contaminants.
Raman microscopy (µ-Raman) IR Windows
Infrared (IR) windows from Alien Photonics allows efficient IR laser light transmittance to samples, enabling precise molecular characterization.
Materials for Infrared Windows and Substrates
Alien Photonics is always improving. At this moment the list of available Infrared (IR) materials for windows is being updated. Please, specify desired material in request.
Most popular materials can be found below:
Germanium (Ge) windows and substrates | uncotated | AR coated
Germanium windows, have ~50% transmission within 2-12 µm range, can even be used in longer wavelengths where it still transmits ~30% at 25 µm wavelength.
Silicon (Si) Windows and substrates | uncotated | AR coated
Silicon windows and substrates are suitable for 1.2-8 µm range, however most popular applications are in 3-5 µm range. Alien Photonics offers anti-reflective (AR) coated silicion windons and bare substrates suitable for various mirrors, like HR, DBHR, BBHR mirrors, dichroic mirrors, and other optical components.
Calcium fluoride (CaF₂) windows and substrates | uncotated | AR coated
Calcium fluoride (CaF₂) very wide transparance range (~190 nm to 7000 nm, which goes down to 0% at about ~10 000 nm) makes this material very good choice for windows (substrates), prisms, spehrical (plano-convex and double-convex or plano-convace and double-concave), Cylindrical (plano-convex and plano-concave), meniscus(negative and postive), aspherical.
Magnesium fluoride (MgF₂) windows and substrates | uncotated | AR coated
Magnesium fluoride (MgF₂) has wide transmission range (moste ffective 200 to 5000 nm, but also transparent 120-7000 nm). This material is good choice in multiwavelength laser systems, whith DUV, UV, VIS and IR wavelengths. Optical coatings can increase the performance of MgF2 windows. This can be further processed to various lenses
Barium fluoride (BaF₂) windows and substrates | uncotated | AR coated
Barium fluoride (BaF₂) good transparancy from UV(T>60% @ 140 nm) to IR (T>90% @ 9000 nm) is used in various optical componens. Most popularly windows and lenses (sperical (PCX , PCV, BCX, BCV), cylindrical (PCX, PCV), meniscus (postive, negative) and even aspherical.
Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) Windows and substrates | uncotated | AR coated
ZnSe windows and substrates perform well within 600-16000 nm range. ZnSe windwos can be coated with AR coating to increast the transmittance withing desired range. Zinc Selenide substrates can also be used to produce various optical components, including HR, DBHR, BBHR mirrors, partial reflectors, dichroic mirrors and polarizers
Zinc Sulfide (ZnS) Windows and substrates | uncotated | AR coated
Zinc Sulfide moderate transmittance (T>60% @ 450 nm to T~70% @ 12000 nm) makes this material a good candidate for similar applications as ZnSe.