Hand of laser scientist, wearing green gloves, holding high quality optical component, conducting quality for inspection.

Optical Metrology

At Alien Photonics, we prioritize the quality of our optical components with dedication. Each batch undergoes meticulous testing according to our strict quality policy, ensuring that every component is ready for use once delivered. Facing a demanding application that requires specific non-standard measurements? Don't worry—Alien Photonics custom measurement setups are ready to meet your needs.

Available measurements

Available measurements of Alien Photonics optical components based on product group and component
Product GroupComponentAvailable Measurements
Not Coated OpticsUV-VIS-NIR Windows and SubstratesDimensions, Surface Quality, Flatness, Wavefront distortion, Parallelism, Angle.
Infrared Windows
Wedge Windows
Optical Prisms
Laser OpticsLaser Line Mirrors (Nd:YAG, Yb:YAG, Ti:Sapphire, Custom)Dimensions, Surface Quality, Flatness, Wavefront distortion, Parallelism, Spectral performance.
Dual Band Mirrors (Nd:YAG, Yb:YAG, Ti:Sapphire, Custom)
Broadband Mirrors (Dielectric, Gold, Silver, Aluminum)
Output Couplers (Partial Reflectors)
Dichroic Mirrors (Wavelength Separators)
Non-Polarizing Beamsplitters (NPBS) - Cubes and Plates
PolarizersPolarizing Beamsplitter Cubes (Standard, High Energy, Broadband)Dimensions, Surface Quality, Flatness, Transmitted wavefront distortion, Spectral measurements (with S&P polarizations)
Thin Film Plate (TFP) Polarizers (Brewster-type and custom angle)
Standard Waveplates (TZO, ZO, LO&MO)Dimensions, Surface Quality, Spectral measurements
Advanced Waveplates (Dual Wavelength, Achromatic, High Energy and Custom)
LensesConvex Lenses: Spherical (PCX, DCX), Cylindrical PCX, Meniscus (Positive)Dimensions, Surface Quality, Transmitted wavefront distortion, Irregularity, Power, Radius of Curvature, Focal Length, Centricity.
Concave Lenses: Spherical (PCV, DCV), Cylindrical PCV, Meniscus (Negative)
AxiconsDimensions, Surface quality, Bessel beam in (near & far) field.

Additional measurements

More tests?

If specific characterization or testing is not mentioned in this page, it doesn't mean that Alien Photonics can't do it. Let us know what you'd like to test!

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